"Whatever Helps": My Journey Towards Embracing the Unconventional

I never considered myself to be one who danced to the beat of my own drum. Growing up, I was always in line, always following the crowd. It was only when life threw me some unpredictable curveballs that I realized the power of two magical words: Whatever helps.

Let's rewind a bit. Two years ago, I found myself lying in a hammock on a remote island, listening to the soothing hum of nature, and surprisingly, enjoying a sandwich made of peanut butter and pickles. Yes, you read that right. Peanut butter and pickles. Why? Because, in that moment, it was whatever helped.

The Art of Letting Go

Post a tumultuous breakup, a job loss, and a short-lived yet haunting existential crisis, I felt unanchored. Every conventional "solution" — from binge-watching self-help videos to following the latest 10-step success plan — left me feeling emptier than before.

And then, in a moment of sheer frustration, I threw away the rulebook and embraced my own quirky coping mechanisms. I danced in my living room wearing socks and a hat (and nothing else). I painted my feelings on a canvas using only my fingers. And yes, I made that aforementioned sandwich. Whatever helped.

The Power of "Whatever Helps"

Now, I’m not advocating for a life without guidance or rules. What I am proposing, however, is the beauty in sometimes just letting things be. The beauty in doing what feels right for you, even if it doesn't make sense to others.

  1. It Fosters Creativity: When you're not bound by societal norms or others’ expectations, you give your creativity the space it needs to bloom. You try new things. You experiment. You surprise yourself.
  2. It Heals: Sometimes, healing doesn't come from a well-practiced yoga pose or a perfectly recited affirmation. Sometimes, it's in the simple moments, like watching your favorite childhood cartoon or singing off-key to a 90s hit.
  3. It Empowers: Each time you honor your feelings and needs, you send a powerful message to yourself: "I am valid. My feelings are valid."

My Challenge to You

Next time you find yourself spiraling, or unsure, or just in need of a little joy, I challenge you to ask: "What will help me right now?" And then, without judgment, do just that.

Whether it's dancing like a goofball, taking a nap in the middle of the day, or yes, even making that weird sandwich combination you've been curious about — do it. Embrace it.

And when someone questions your unconventional methods or raises an eyebrow at your choices, you just smile and say, "It's whatever helps."

Remember, life's too short for undue rigidity. Sometimes, the quirky, unexpected solutions are the ones that bring us the most joy. #WhateverHelps

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